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Sunday, January 12, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Island Glens
About Sulby CladdaghRegarded as the only true common land left on the Isle of Man since large areas were handed over to the crown in 1860. Since 1949 the land was put under the control of the Government Property Trustees and later the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry. The land was once used to pasture animals, but is now mainly used as camping and recreational ground. There are panoramic views which include Cronk Sumark and Gob y Volley as well as a sparkling river.The Claddagh is governed by bylaws which: Prohibit the burning of open fires and prohibit any person from camping for a period of more than fourteen consecutive nights. Contravention of the bylaws renders the offender liable to a fine(s) of up to £400. Related News Articles
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