Saturday, February 15, 2025
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Moore's Traditional Museum

Open: Shop - Apr 1st - Oct 31st: Monday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Tour - Apr 1st - Oct 31st: Monday - Saturday, 3.30pm
Price: Adults: £2
Children: £1
Disabled: Shop: Access
Tour: Limited, Part of the Tour is upstairs.
Location: Peel
Type: Ample, close by in Car Park


The Isle of Man has a long history of herring curing. Though the origins of the curing process is unknown it was first seen on the island in the 1870's. Since then the original Manx Kippers have been smoked in buildings around the island. Moore's of Peel was established in 1882. Its factory situated beside the River Neb took herring from harbour boats and processed the fish as fast as possible to preserve them. At one time over 150 people worked in the factory, producing tons of kippers a day. The women preparing the fish cut over 18 a minute. The fish were then soaked in salt and placed on racks before being hung in large chimneys to be smoked. Moore's to this day continues the tradition of real Manx Kippers, smoked in the original factory chimneys with oak and wood chips.

Moore's smokes more then just herring these days, they also smoke bacon. Their shop is next to the factory and carries a variety of fresh sea food.


Located in the town of Peel. At the end of the harbour where the boats dock there is a red and white building. This is the Kipper Factory and Museum.

By Vehicle:
Take any roads sign posted to Peel or the west. Once in Peel, drive along the promenade and along the harbour to the red and white building.

By Bus:
Plan your journey with our Bus and Rail Timetables.

By Railway
The west side of the island is not serviced by the Railways. Take a vehicle or bus.

Moore's Traditional Curers
Mill Road
Isle of Man
Tel +44 (0) 1624 843622

The Site

  • Shop
  • Curing Factory

    Visiting Moore's Traditional Museum

    This is a family business and a working factory and shop. The tours are excellent and take visitors through the entire kipper making process. See the factory working and kippers made. Tours normally run for about 40 minutes, depending on the size of the group and factory work. Tour times (especially in winter) can vary, so do call into the shop or telephone to check times.

  • The Kipper Factory - Moore's Traditional Museum

    The Kipper Factory - Moore's Traditional Museum

    The Kipper Factory Tour, Preparing the Herring - Moore's Traditional Museum

    The Kipper Factory - Moore's Traditional Museum

    The Kipper Factory Tour, Smoking Chimney - Moore's Traditional Museum

    The Kipper Factory Tour, Old Kipper Crate - Moore's Traditional Museum

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