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Thursday, September 19, 2024
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Museums
HistoryA recent addition to tell the history of the island. The House of Manannan was built in 1997 at the cost of 5.5 million. It is a vast complex, partly new and partly the old Peel Railway Station. Among its many exhibits is a replica Norse long ship. Made in and sailed from Norway to the Isle of Man in 1979 to celebrate the millennium of Tynwald.LocationLocated in the town of Peel, at the end of the harbour where the boats dock.By Vehicle: Take any roads sign posted to Peel or the west. Once in Peel, drive along the promenade and along the harbour till the House of Manannan is reached. By Bus: Plan your journey with our Bus and Rail Timetables. By Railway: The west side of the island is not serviced by the Railways. Take a vehicle or bus. The SiteVisiting the House of ManannanAn excellent Museum for all ages. Plan to spend an afternoon there as it is about 2 hours minimum if you are looking around only vaguely. There are many interactive sections, which offer amusement for young or old. It is truly a fun way to view the past and present history of the Isle of Man.Things to See and Do(As described by MNH)
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