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NAME Roy Lawrence
Roy Lawrence at Ballaugh Bridge.
TT 2006
He has a good sense of humour, and spends all of time with his bikes. He used to ride a sidecar and was very succsesful. He has 6 children, 1 boy and 5 girls, all been good at gymnastics. 2 are married and 4 still at home. Sonia went to the Atlanta Olimpics. Won a medal in the commonwealth games Victoria, and is now pole vaulting. Debbie, Cheryl, Wayne and Rachael all made it into the Welsh squad. Kirsty age 13 is Welsh champ, Celtic champ and British floor champ. He has two grandchildren Matthew and Elysha mother just supports. They all follow Roy for competitiveness, he doesn't drink and is a proper tea drinker. He loves telling jokes and likes a good laugh. He loves his bikes and is a model driver in a car.
Many thanks to Lorna his wife for this submission (26 August 2004)

My father has inspired me to do well in my sport as he is so determined and nothing ever phases him. To compete at the Isle of Man has been a life long ambition of my father's and we are all delighted that he is finally fulfilling his dream. Go for it dad! love you x Sonia.
Many thanks to his daughter Sonia for this submission (26 August 2004)

I am Roy's daughter Rachael, I am 22, single, a blonde bombshell & wanted to be his umbrella girl but couldn't take the time away from the party life i have come to love. My dad always tells me to put more clothes on & that half the time I look like a pole dancer but I guess thats his caring side showing through. He is the best bike rider around & everyone wants to be like him cos my dad is the coolest!!! He watches bikes all the time with my mother who only puts up with it so she can drewl over Valentino Rossi though James Toseland is my guy. You may have a few entries from the other siblings but i am by far the better one well the black sheep & wild one. Roy is the best father, the best guy, the best rider by far if you didnt know him before the Isle of Man you will now so remember the name!!!!!!!
Many thanks to his daughter Rachael for this submission (26 August 2004)

My Bampa' is the best motorcyclist in the whole wide world, i love him sooooooo much and i wish him the best, i know he'll do well, i have watched the home video's!! Love your little grand-daughter XOXO.
Many thanks to Elysha for this submission (27 August 2004)

Roy wanted to be able to break the hundred mph lap barrier and as the results proved he did it.

The blonde haired wonder is always upbeat and for me personally he has always been a great Father-in-law, taking the time out to answer some of my more mundane questions concerning bikes ... anyway ROYSTON!! All the hairy chests and lets hope you can break the 160mph on the straight ... see you.
Many thanks to John for this submission (27 August 2004)

As long as I can remember my father's life has revolved around bikes. My childhood was spent at race meetings watching my dad racing sidecars and more recent watching him go out on his bike every sunday. He is a great father, grandfather and of course husband. Even though I know he will be enjoying the experience of the Manx Races, because it has been an ambition of his for the last couple of years, this is probably one of his longest stays from home and he will be missing my mother like crazy!! Good luck Dad we are all proud of you..x
Many thanks to Cheryl for this submission (27 August 2004)

Well done Dad for doing a great job! We knew you could do it! Look out Rossi because Rocket Roy is out to beat you!
Many thanks to Debbie and Kirsty for this submission (31 August 2004)

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Roy Lawrence

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