Sunday, February  9, 2025
You are here: Isle of Man > Attractions > Recreational Activities > Nature Reserves
Ballalough Reedbeds Nature Reserve

Price: FREE
Leased to: Manx Wildlife Trust
Location: Castletown
Parking: Car Park Available
Size: 1.4 hectares, 3.5 acres


This reserve lies between the A5 and the Steam Railway. It has Manx Sod Hedges and Hawthorn bushes. Fields together with a ditch create appropriate conditions for a reedbed. The site which is owned by Castletown Town Commissioners was mainly unused and therefore offered an opportunity to become a haven for wildlife. The meadow and wetlands offer a home for birds, insects and spiders. There are over 50 species of wildflowers in the wetland. The reedbeds support some special birds, including willow warblers, sedge warblers, and reed buntings, who make small nests of grass and moss.


Near Castletown in the south of the Island.

By Vehicle:
Travel along the A5 to Castletown. The nature reserve is located off a small parking area after the first round about for Castletown Centre if heading towards Port Erin.

By Bus:
Take bus no 1 or 2 to Castletown and walk to the site, which is just past the first around about for Castletown centre heading towards Port Erin.

By Railway:
Take the Electric Railway to Douglas and then the Steam Railway to Castletown. The site is located along the A5, heading towards Port Erin.


A small reserve which would mainly be of interest to those who know what they are looking for. Would be best served as an educational location with guided tours.

Ballalough Reedbeds Nature Reserve

Ballalough Reedbeds Nature Reserve

Ballalough Reedbeds Nature Reserve

Ballalough Reedbeds Nature Reserve

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