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All the Little Animals

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All the Little Animals All the Little Animals All the Little Animals

PRODUCER Jeremy Thomas and Denise O Dell (The Recorded Picture Company)
DIRECTOR Jeremy Thomas
STARRING Christian Bale, John Hurt, Daniel Benzali, John Higgins, Amy Robbins and James Faulkner.
FILMED June/July 1997
Based on the novel by Walker Hamilton, the story tells of Bobby Platt a slow young man, due to a childhood accident, who lives with his mean and abusive stepfather. Bobby watches his pets killed by his stepfather and in an attempt to save himself, runs away. After hitching a ride with a trucker, Bobby soon find himself in the company of a strange old man, who spends his time burying road kills and saving animals. Bobby decides to stay on with the old man and learn how to protect animals, but the freedom cannot last long there is still unfinished business with Bobby's stepfather.
TYPE Thriller/Drama
RUN TIME 112 Minutes

All the Little Animals
Walker Hamilton
Orion mass market paperback, Paperback, 28 January, 1999
ISBN: 0575401869
List Price: £4.99
Used Price: £5.98
Third Party Price: £2.24
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All the Little Animals [1999] (REGION 1) (NTSC)
Jeremy Thomas
Import, DVD, 13 November, 2001
Used Price: £23.62
Third Party Price: £43.44
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