Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Gypsy Woman

Film Stats Locations Reviews
Woodbourne Square, Douglas
After waiting years for this film to be released (it never made it to the cinema), I finally got a copy of it on DVD.
Some of the indoor scenes were shot in Woodbourne Square. The little girl's bedroom is in fact my bedroom (albeit redecorated). Leon's bedroom is our living room made up to look like a bedroom with a false window where we actually have an archway. Thanks Michael for your submission.

Town Center, Castletown

The scene where Leon and his daughter are in the car on their way to the Gypsy Fair and do a turn around in a small village/town before asking a policeman for directions is Castletown.


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Gypsy Woman [2003]
Fred J. Lincoln
4 Front Video, DVD, 07 February, 2005
List Price: £5.99
New Price: £5.99
Used Price: £1.50
Third Party Price: £2.92
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