Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Reviews |
One of the better versions of this much filmed Sherlock Holmes story,but rather
let down by the miscasting of Watson who is played in this version by an actor
who simply lacks the physical size to portray Holmes's long suffering sidekick
convincingly...then at the end when Watson throws a sort of tantrum veering on
the psychopathic and attacks the villainous wifebeating Stapleton credibility
departs for me....Holmes is played competantly if rather blandly if you like
your Holmes idiosyncratic like Jeremy Brett difinitively portrayed him in the
1980's Granada television serialisation....
Overall cinematicaly it was rather a more modern take stylisticaly on the most
famous of Conan Doyles long Sherlock Holmes tales than has previously been
My award for the best actor in this television movie goes to the terrifyingly
large and muscular computer generated hound from hell ha ha. Which I thought
was the best representation of the hound I'd seen in any version of The hound
of the Baskervilles on screen...
Though overall this version like so many before left me feeling a little
I still think the BBC's 1982 4 part "Hound of the Baskervilles" with Tom Baker
as Holmes is the best version on film I've seen of this celebrated story..
Many thanks to Jim from London, England for his submission.
Publications |
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Penguin Popular Classics)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Penguin Classics, Paperback, 25 January, 1996
ISBN: 0140621970
List Price: £2.00
New Price: £1.80
Used Price: £0.01
Third Party Price: £0.01
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Hound of the Baskervilles [2002]
David Attwood
2 Entertain Video, VHS Tape, 17 February, 2003
List Price: £12.99
Used Price: £1.39
Third Party Price: £2.24
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Hound of the Baskervilles [2002]
David Attwood
2 Entertain Video, DVD, 17 February, 2003
List Price: £15.99
New Price: £10.98
Used Price: £2.35
Third Party Price: £1.97
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