Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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You Don't Have To Say You Love Me (Things to do before you're 30)

Film Stats Locations Reviews

Laxey Harbour, Laxey
The stairs were going down to the basemant of an old building at the harbour. It was freezing that day. The extras were in a cold room of our own, when we got called down to "act" it was standing around and chain-smoking for us. The directer asked me (the ecstasy taking, drunk chain-smoker) to run down the stairs with some guy, so I guess that made me an ecsasty taking, drunk chain-smoking whore too! Thanks Zara for your submission.

The Bowl (Football Stadium), Douglas
A large chunk of the end of the movie was filmed at The Bowl and also in the car park outside. These scenes form the final part of the film where Athletico Greenwich play their 500th (and final) game. Thanks Simon for your submission.

Grand Island Hotel, Ramsey
Arrival scene at hotel and some evening shots playing pool in a bar were located at the Grand Island Hotel IOM. Cables were everywhere and guests had to stop moving around during filming sessions. Thanks Chris for your submission.

Greenwich, London
We were in Greenwich London, starting at 5 in the morning. Breakfast was eaten in a double decker bus then 5 of us extras had to put on football kits to stand behind Dougray Scott. We were freezing as it was in November! Thanks Neil for your submission.

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