Sunday, February 16, 2025
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You Don't Have To Say You Love Me (Things to do before you're 30)

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Although it's not coming out at the cinema until March 2005, I was lucky enough to catch a screening earlier this year.
Things to do Before You're 30 is about a group of friends that have known each other for many years, having all played Sunday league football together since they were kids. Now, as they reach their 30th birthdays and their interest in playing footie is fading, they decide to call it a day once they've played their 500th game. In the event circumstance keeps getting in the way, and after weeks of failed attempts they hear that 'Don', (the man who started their football club), is dying. As a tribute to Don they pull themselves (and their lives) together to play that final match.
Things To Do is a great ensemble movie, with a big name line up including Dougray Scott, Emilia Fox, Jimi Mistry, Billie Piper & Shaun Parks - but no 'prima dona' performances. Brilliant writing, excellent camera work and polished direction.
Whilst it's billed as a comedy (and it has funny stuff in it), it's way deeper than that, exploring some emotionally charged themes that people have to deal with just to get by in the 21st Century.
Well worth a look.
Thanks Simon for your submission.

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